LNAFIN2 is a Q-band LNA

MMIC Design Sheet: LNAFIN2 is a Q-band LNA

Esa Tiiliharju, doct.tech(EE), LNAFIN Oy, https://www.LNAFIN.com/, eti@LNAFIN.com

MMIC Information

This web-page is re-production of a MMIC design sheet we have assembled for our Q-band LNA project. This chip has been recently fabricated and its simulated performance is shown in this post. The chip fabrication is part of our Q-band ESA project blogged here. The low-noise amplifier has 4-stages, and it has a simulated state-of-the-art performance with low Noise Figure (NF), high gain and good broadband 50-Ω matching.

  • Circuit Name: LNAFIN2, Circuit Function: Q-Band Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA).
  • MMIC size: 3×2 mm2.
  • Foundry: Ommic 70-nm mHemt D007IH.

One stage stability analysis with the probe-method.

Stability verification example using the gprobe2-method. Circuit response is stable in all
loading conditions when probed values remain within -1. . . +1.

Simulated Performance Table

Parameter Unit LNA#2
Centre frequency GHz 40.0
Bandwidth GHz 12.8
Gain dB 31.4
Noise figure dB 1.2
Output 1-dB compression dBm 4
Input return loss dB 22.4
Output return loss dB 21.9
Stability   Unconditional
DC power consumption mW 153.6
Operating temperature °C -25 to +75
PORT1 bw RL=18 dB GHz 14.8
PORT2 bw RL=20 dB GHz 66.1

Note: linearity (1-dB compression) is limited by the small-signal models, which have
only few biasing points. We have done the large signal simulations with biasing points, which correspond to tabulated small-signal characteristics.

Simulated 2-port Characteristics

S21 and S11 of the Q-band LNA.

Simulated 2-port Characteristics: LNA_MMIC_2port 1

Simulated NF performance of the Q-band LNA.

Linear stability factors of the Q-band LNA.

LNAFIN Oy Features in an MMIC LNA Design Article in 2014

Waveguide Packaged MMIC LNA Design Draws Attention

LNAFIN Oy got featured in an NI (formerly AWR Corporation) design article in October 2014. The article is titled “LNAFIN Designs MMIC LNA Module for 40 GHz Space
Application Using NI AWR Design Environment.” The article features MMIC LNA design results, which were achieved recently so as to meet a very demanding Q-band LNA specification. Since the LNA is waveguide (WG) packaged, the design tasks include: design and optimization of the WG-to-PCB transitions, supporting PCB design and the MMIC design challenge itself. For example bonding wire compensation as part of the matching network has to be accomplished at the same time as a successful waveguide design is realized.
MMIC LNA waveguide input
One designed WG-to-PCB transition has been shown in the attached figure. The figure includes 3D mesh which is utilized by the EM-simulator used (MWO Analyst). Low insertion loss results around 0.2 dB were obtained, which helps to achieve the specified NF-values towards 1 dB @40GHz. Yet at the same time gain should exceed 25 dB and the matched input and output bandwidths should be wide (>5 GHz).

The full article can be downloaded from the NI website at:


LNAFIN starts its first MMIC project for ESA

Based on our strength in high-speed IC design, we are glad to confirm that LNAFIN Oy has won its first MMIC project contest opened by the European Space Agency. The project includes a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) design for the Q-band (30-50 GHz) together with 3D encapsulation for outdoor use. The 3D-package design includes Q-band waveguide (WR22) inputs and outputs. Supporting supply and control logic will be developed in accordance to customer and market requirements. The LNA module will have redundancy with two parallel amplifier units so that best reception can be ensured in all conditions.

The project was actually launched already in November 2013, but due to the tight schedule and other clients’ needs this news post has been a bit delayed. Meantime we have already passed project’s first checkpoint. We will try to add more posts, pictures and results on this LNA-project later. At this point we would like to thank Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation) for their support for this demanding millimeter wave frequency project.